XZZMZG7ZTKV5 Clothes make the man, shoes make the woman
Shoes say more about your personality than you might think
If a hurry to school on time, work or an appointment to come pull is usually the first pair of shoes they see. The chance is high that this pair is the favorite, but this happens sometimes that the shoes worn by the outfit. What is relatively unknown is that the shoes worn are more about personality than say the rest of the clothing.
A shoe can not just choose from, there's something about that couple that makes those shoes just so distinguish from others in the store. Hoby Brennan, consultant in the field of (online) purchases and shopping behavior, wrote that the selection of shoes is very personal. "The shoes are you because they have a certain X factor that attracts you. And so these shoes give a look at your personality and individuality, "said Brennan.
Not only the shoes, but the state in which they live, says something about the wearer. There is a big difference in Allstar-carriers with well kept and in excellent condition running shoes, and Allstar carriers whose shoes faded and faded and worn threadbare. And the difference between the ladies (and now also boys) who wear Uggs in the winter because of their comfortable warmth, and one they wear in the summer because they are in fashion is big. So is not only through the shoe to say something about the personality but also by the pattern of wear, says Francesca Soroka, a freelance writer for Time Out New York and former fashion columnist for Encore Magazine.
Antoinette Hoes, collector of shoes - a collection of nearly fifty pairs, it is not entirely agree that the shoes exude personality. In her shoes are especially important for the character you, you want to project. "Ensuring that the prince will find and recognize it. Or that you only can dance, "the shoe enthusiast. Cinderella, the most famous lady shoes with her prince charming, and love for life, Antoinette will assist in this set. Like businesswoman and founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, Mary Kay Ash, who once wrote: "While clothes May not make the woman, they're Certainly have a strong effect on her self-confidence - which, I believe, does make the woman." (Even if the woman does not make clothes, they have weldegelijk a profound effect on her self-confidence - which, I believe, but the woman makes.)
Meghan Cleary is the largest shoe expert from America, she wrote: "The Perfect Fit: What your shoes say about you," a book about the (basic) character behind a shoe. She teaches courses to women around the world to learn about "the power of shoes to change. Because everyone has a type of shoe that fits the character, but that does not mean you can wear any other shoes. A woman should wear shoes that accentuate her look and attitude, but they are also stylish. The professional look with - whether or not black - Allstars, summer outfit with Uggs, the casual wear with leather shoes and then the heels. One without pain or difficulty wearing the stilettos all day, while the other at the thought of the (very) high-heeled footwear for nearly breaks her ankle.
Women who wear high heels often exude a sense of confidence and grace, while high-heeled boots, a kind of superiority and strength radiate (there's a reason that high leather boots with heels are part of the standard SM-equipment). Sneakers rays independence and a certain ease. Carriers of sneakers are usually easy going and always ready for something fun to do while carriers of more high heels for a party. Each carrier is different, because every pair of heels too different from each other so this is just an indication.
The shoes provide a boost to the image, and why it is so important that the shoes in the personality. Shoes can be as eccentric as the carrier itself, although it appears that men are more likely to involve buying shoes than women. It appears again: Clothes make the man, shoes make the woman. Read More...