There is hardly a woman who has not yet dealt with the agonizing question: "What shoes am I to today's outfit - sexy high heels or rather comfortable ballerinas?" For the lords of creation, the answer is clear - high heels. Understandable, if one has never felt the pain, the so brings high heels for extended wear with it. For where they are right, they are right, men. Pumps have a yes, would you believe, true magic - you wear them, his legs suddenly seem endless and it acts on the whole more slender - they "stretch" a real right. The attitude should not be forgotten! That is, influenced quite positive. In paragraphs 10 cm it is in fact actually bent almost an impossibility, or go to "sloppy" or to stand. This works purely from a physical point of view is not already on our balance.
Cult fashion high heels
Since "Sex and the City" every woman knows what "Manolo Blahniks" herself by the SATC series, movie and Carrie Bradshaw reached cult status. For nearly two years ago, the "Manolos" but displaced from the top of the pinnacle of shoe beauties. By none other than Christian Louboutin. A name that has become an integral part of the fashion world, where one wonders if Victoria Beckham and imitators have ever worn something other than these shoes on their feet. All over the world can see the "red sole" with the 12 cm heels and probably almost every woman dreams about being a pair of shoes to call their own dream may. These shoes are beautiful and sexy, almost perfect - but - like every fairy tale has a dark side and this is from a medical perspective, unfortunately, not to be underestimated.
Medical issues and health problems in high heels
Doctors, scientists and physiotherapists agree - the more you can, or in this case, especially the women high heels in the box and instead accesses Ballerinas, the healthier it is. The ongoing, daily wearing of high heels can not result in immense medical impairments of the foot, because the Achilles tendon is overused today and it comes to muscle contractions in the calf. Victoria Beckham is even sometimes said that they could not exercise because she had this to wear flat shoes. What sounds like a cheap excuse for the Fashionista is unfortunately sad reality and has been occupied by researchers who compared the calves of pumping lovers with those of Ballerina carriers.
By high heels, the heel is forced unnaturally to the top. This shortened the time the muscle in the calves. The body compensates for the more powerful by a hamstring. Plotting but then once flat shoes, you may experience pain from the sudden stretching of the Achilles tendon more. High Heels-lovers should therefore fight in any case, by stretching exercises targeted against the typical pain.
The ideal foot shape is not defined, however, deviations from the norm can lead to big problems. Wrong shoes is on top of the list of non-congenital cause Fußmissbildungen. Incorrect footwear often result changes in the feet and can lead to a false appearance misconduct.
Orthopedic surgeons have warned against a further risk to foot health. Namely, the higher the heel of the shoe, the bigger the pressure on the forefoot and toes. The consequences may be in a harmless variant unsightly bruises and corns, over a longer period of time but can also crooked toes, so-called hammer and riding toes, a heel spur and a so-called hallux valgus, a protruding ball occur and can lead to a decrease and be eligible to restricted mobility of the metatarsophalangeal joint. This is all pretty painful, I think that probably do not need to be mentioned
The Emergency Plan: Frequently changing shoes and disposable Ballerinas
For healthy feet, experts recommend fashion-conscious women who do not quite give up her beloved high heels, a frequent shoe changes - sometimes flat ballerinas or sneakers or only a small paragraph and then you can in between access time and again to really high heels. And even for long party nights, there is finally a solution: because clearly - the day, for at work, shopping, etc. you can always revert to flat transgressors. No question. But the little black dress on Saturday night are just high heels. Point to.
can most recently be located - towards the party in the trendy club's going in high heels and should press the shoes actually hurt, and ultimately the absolute Pumpsfanatikerin through unbearable pain is brought to its knees, there is now a real alternative: Here is the emergency plan Disposable ballerinas get from the vending machine.
A Munich student could and did not want to witness how her friends in pain or even went barefoot to dancing the night and came home on the following business idea: "Ballerina to go" is the concept that the drama will help. As a snack or beverage vending machines Glitter Ballerinas are available in four different colors and double size from 35 to 42 for sale. For seven euros to the shoes, there are also a bag to the solid high heels to store safely. So now since September 2010 women in four clubs, the Munich flat shoes for emergencies and for quick changes. (If there is enough demand for "Ballerina to go", it also plans to expand to other cities.)
More tips: "Pretty Ballerina" and shoe inserts
This is just an example because this idea is not entirely new, yes. The brand "Pretty Ballerina" has bagged some time ago in a "Fashion Emergency Pack" silver ballerinas and marketed as an absolute must have for any woman wearing high heels on the market. Since February 2010 you can buy shoes in a practical emergency Aufreißpack Pretty Ballerinas in the stores or over the Internet. The whole, however, by a whopping 159 euros.
By far the cheaper option is there in the various shoe inserts that are available in pharmacies, drug stores, shoe store itself or the orthopedic surgeon and truss. Thus, one should be at a pre-existing foot deformity, of course, absolutely get a customized orthopedic insert. All other pump wearers are recommended gel deposits and / or pressure patch. These are available as needed for the ball of the heel and the individual toes. It comes to a better distribution of pressure, the bearing surface of the foot is enlarged in part, reducing the discharge point.
Summary: The variety makes it
Summa summarum an elegant evening dress heels so allowed in any case. Otherwise, however, take as much as possible flat shoes and high heels-days, if possible, perhaps really "emergency Ballerinas" or at least their own comfortable pair of shoes with you and back at home, but do a really fine luxury foot bath !
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