Jun 8, 2011

HOW to keep your feet clean and not stink

Smelly feet is annoying, some people can even feel ashamed about. The most common cause of odor is the fact that the feet sweat while sitting in a shoe. The bacteria that are warm shoes and socks on and then multiply them an unsavory odor. Follow these tips to get rid of odor, with simple washing does not solve the problem.

Keep your feet clean when you have sweaty feet
Although not the only cause of odor is, his feet are clean first. Sweaty feet are well cared for daily and properly washed. Alternatively, the feet several times a week be rubbed with talcum powder that is good for itching. When they are washed, the water is not too hot and can help add a little salt to the water. If the feet are lost it is very important to the spaces between the toes to dry.

Provide clean footwear when you have sweaty feet
Naturally never sweat stinks, the smell is observed when a person sweats is created by bacteria. So even if someone has smelly feet bacteria are the cause of the stench. Even when the feet are clean smell may occur, namely shoes and socks are also bacteria. The footwear must therefore be clean at all times whether it be sandals, shoes or socks. So just try to wash the shoes and see if the result is. If the result is negative, the shoes unfortunately for the landfill. Socks are also important, which are preferably cotton as it absorbs sweat the most.

Vary in wearing shoes when you have sweaty feet
Ensure that footwear is clean is one thing, make sure it stays clean one another. Socks and shoes do not stay clean, so make sure that you all day with the same shoes and socks around. Wear two pairs of socks per day can not hurt. When you're at home you do your best socks and shoes and wear flip-flops so that the feet more oxygen. Make sure that shoes not be worn every day and every time they are thoroughly dried before they are worn.

Use shoes when you have sweaty feet
We wear shoes anyway. When it is necessary to make them a whole day to keep it advisable to make shoes or insoles in them. Insoles absorb sweat better so that the enormous multiplication of the bacteria is inhibited. Also, some insoles absorb the bad odors. Keep in mind that these shoes no lifetime.

Wear socks when you have sweaty feet
Some people think that if you are not wearing socks reduces the likelihood of sweaty feet, nothing is further from the truth. Especially in shoes with inadequate ventilation socks are a must. Heats the shoe without socks so that more bacteria can be created. If you do not wearing socks, these bacteria are all in the right shoe which makes for even greater problems than before.

Consider a pedicure if you have sweaty feet
When all previous suggestions have not helped to better contact with a pedicure. Besides hygiene of the feet and shoes sweaty feet can also be due to a problem with metabolism. Therefore, a regular visit to the chiropodist never hurts. At the pedicure you can always get more advice on feet.

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