Apr 28, 2011

How do You learn to walk in high heels???

walk with high heels

1. Choose the right shoes
To walk in high heels is the first important that you choose the right shoes and when his shoes right now? They should not be too large nor too small, but exactly your size. Buy shoes therefore not a gamble, but only extend them first and ask for help. You should also buy shoes with good support, such as an extra strap. You can also make it easier on yourself by taking a wide heel. This is much easier than a stiletto heel.

2. Practice yourself in standing
Before you were right on the streets, it is helpful to first practice with these, because you because if it were on your toes is you are less balanced. To be able to walk properly in heels, you'll need to find balance again. So go now and then (without shoes) on your toes and walk around. You'll naturally get used to it.

3. Take the right attitude
Good posture for walking in high heels essential: shoulders back and chest forward give you a balanced attitude, making standing and walking in high heels suddenly becomes a lot easier.

4. Rotate your hips
Walking in high heels requires a different technique than walking on flat shoes. Normally you move your legs out, but from your hips!

5. Take your first steps
If you've mastered right attitude, it's time to put your first steps. Do this preferably on a hard, non-slippery floor, so you do not slip. It is important that you every step of your legs straight and close together and start with slow steps. In the beginning the idea that you probably do not look, but no worries, it gets better soon!

6. Stop fidgeting
Exercise not only walking but also in standing still. Put a few steps, stop and turn around. Try not to wobble! As long as you wobble, you have not yet found the right balance and you run the risk of going through your ankle. Practice so repeatedly until you no longer wobbles.

7. Explore new substrates
If you walk and stand without wobbling under your belt, you can practice on other substrates. Practice on carpet or in the garden for example. Start with any new ground again carefully again.

8. Practice often and much
Practice makes perfect: Try at least half hour every night on your high heels to walk. If you're wearing high heels every day, footbed will alter to fit you and feel at one point like you've never done anything else.

9. Treat your feet
Walking in high heels is quite heavy for your lovely feet, take care of them so well! Treat them regularly for a foot bath and then coat them with a good cold cream. You can also relieve pain by placing gel pads into your shoes. This relieves pressure on the ball of your foot.

10. Bring your knowledge into practice
Now is the time to be bold to attract. You can (if all goes well) without problems on the street. Although it is the first time a bit disappointing, hold on, after sufficient training, high heels, even to feel comfortable.

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