Apr 14, 2011

How to walk with High Heels?

alt tag picture,wear high heels,high heels,how to

For women who like to go out, there are many occasions where you have to wear high heels. Unfortunately not all women are not comfortable with this kind of shoes.

You've probably already seen, during an evening, a pretty girl in public ridicule because of those heels.

That which makes a dramatic drop in attempting a freestyle dance steps to that that breaks a heel by asking the wrong foot on the floor, there are many opportunities to get hurt. This is why many women refuse to wear those high heels. Yet it is an accessory re-up the natural charm women. So with a little practice and some helpful advice you can jump and dance in high heels in a relatively short time.

First, check the strength of your heels. Some shoes have very thin heels and can not resist if you count dance all night. Others have plastic heels with a leather cover. The quality or strength of the heel is often based on price. Be very careful!

A first exercise is to stand in high heels, just to test his balance. It is better to stand in front of a mirror up to appreciate his presence. The goal is to remove the fear of falling that fills you when your heels are just a few centimeters of soil. To shine in society it is better to feel good in his shoes.

Now that you feel comfortable, you should not do some good by trying to feel the sensations high heels. The course must not be light and insured. It's really not worth the ground pounding, you would do evil.

You know you stand and walk properly, keep your legs straight and narrow. Do some exercises, and in no time, walking with heels will be for you as natural as breathing.

Remember that walking should always be comfortable to not be hurt after wearing high heels.

Now all you'll just choose from the many brands that offer high-heeled shoes. You do not have to ruin you for quality. Among the low prices there are very good models very comfortable. So why hesitate in making them feel good.

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